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It was one of those nice cool evenings after a long hot day in the shop. I showered , changed my clothes, gave the 63 MW a quick wash and chamois and headed for Picton cruise night. 
Windows down, shirt sleeves flapping in the breeze I headed the 20 odd miles alone as my wife elected not to go. Free (FREE AT LAST)  I pushed "Milli" as we call the car ,a little harder than usually since there was no one  to deter me. While traffic was a bit heavy she seeemd to love the cooler night air. 
All too soon I was there , setting up my chair and talking with old friends and new. A local car club asked me to join them in their group so I sat in while we all told stories of "the good ol days." 
After the 50 50 draw i headed home. It was almost dark as i drove but you could still see. There were no cars ahead on the road and I squeezed the throttle on the mighty wedge as I pushed the shifter buttons in sequence . Each shift was met with a sharp loud tire chirp . As I swung onto the hilly section I checked the perfomance oin the latest stuff i tried on the carb. With hardly any pedal effort I could feel the car surge forward , like a race horse saying "come on Poppa , turn me loose, let me  run"! A couple of time I did till the speedo needle was upside down. As I rolled into the garage at home I listened to the rumpety rumpety rumpety of the cam lope bouncing of the garage walls. Man i love these Old mopars. This one especially. 
Sure gas is expensive  and all that but I am not ready to give this up just yet. Maybe in another 40 years or so I will be but I hope not!
Some days are diamonds and some are stones. Last nIght was a diamond
Author of
Return to Deutschland (True Adventure)
Old Reliable (Mopar)
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