Re: Burnouts
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Re: Burnouts

sounds like we are doing the same burnouts,
i typically hold the car until the smoke is rolling,
then burnout of the water (cleaning the tires off)

this too is the only way i can get a consistent 60'.

65 satellite

--- Don Dulmage <big-d@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> I also felt it was too hard on the trans starting
> the burnout in second. Second is probaby the weakest
> of all gears because it is the band doing the job,
> so i started them in first just to get the wheel
> spinning then shifted immediatley to second. t, took
> it up to at least 6 grand and then grabbed high. By
> tis time the Chevy camaro boys running the starting
> line are waving their arms for me to pull out and
> holding their ears from the sound of a big block
> mopar growling at their little ligtweight camaros
> but i tended to become blind and let the tires go
> till they hit their prime spot. My car needed a
> reall good smokey burnout  otheriwise it would be
> off a couple of tenths in the launch. and I must
> confess i enjoyed them. 
> Why does it say dont do your burnout in low. 
> Good advice and here is why. It the burnout is done
> in low when you let off with the manual shift
> reverse pattern valve body the drum speed skyrockets
> in reverse multiplication of the engine Rpm. It
> cannot stand this kind of RPM and will explode
> (Remember a manual shift reverse pattern Valvebody
> allows the trans to freewheel. there is no engine
> braking)
> So i suggest and did myself. , just use first for a
> split second to get things rolling then get
> immediatley to second and then third. 
> As to doing only wet burnouts. Excellant advice.
> Your trans will live longer and if you are running a
> posi it will last longer too. Nothing will kill a
> posi quicker than
> a dry burnout behind a  500 Hp plus motor.
> We always had a helper at the line to make sure we
> had both tires wet and where in the right spot. 
> Now I heard someone already shouting that
> recommendation about doing less of a burnout and the
> car being faster. It might work for some but not for
> my car or the ones i have owned. We did some infa
> red tests . At 325f the car was almost but not quite
> 2 tenths off. I did my classic like the one on the
> cover of my book, and he told me the gauge read
> 525F. I dont know if that is true but the car ran
> its best with a good long  hard smokey burnoout. 
> Dont let anyone rush you .Try a short, a meduim and
> a long burnout and then use whatever your car seems
> to want. 
> If you are shy in the burnout when they motion to
> you then rent the movie Airport and watch george
> kennedy when thy tell him to shut down the 747  that
> is stuck. He just grins and says "i cant hear you
> the ----engines are making to much noise!" Words to
> Live BY!
> Don
> Author of
> Return to Deutschland (True Adventure)
> Old Reliable (Mopar)
> [Non-text portions of this message have been
> removed]
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