[AD removed for archives] ------------------------------------------------------------------- FREE Zoobooks Elephants ISSUE and tiger POSTER! Is your child reading? Zoobooks is guaranteed to improve your child?s reading skills. Click below to sign up now! caadCUzbOyW3Na/Zoobooks ------------------------------------------------------------------- If your problem is that the top won't go up or down, this probably won't help unless you are out of fluid because of a leak. This is for leaks around the shaft. After being thrown out of a couple of hydraulic places, I finally found the right guy. As I suspected, my leak problem was just an O-ring around the shaft. I have attached a pic of all of the parts in the order of assembly. The O-ring I.D. is 1/2", he gave me both 90 and 70 rings. He was concerned that the pitting of the chrome on the shaft might require a 90. I couldn't get the 90 in, in order to press it I would have needed a sleeve over the shaft. The 70 seems to be working fine. The only trouble I had was that the holes in the snap ring are quite small. I finally found a use for those "genuine Swedish files" I bought at a yard sale 5 years ago. Anyway, it was a 20 minute job after the pistons were out of the car. You will need some very small picks to get the fender washer and leather wiper ring out, also for the old O-ring. I didn't have any brake cleaner handy so I made do with WD-40 to clean out the seat for the O-ring. That was pretty crummy from remains of the weathered O-ring. If I were doing the job again, I would look for a pipe that fit snugly around the shaft and use that to seat the o-ring. You will be told that the cylinders are "crimped" and are disposable. This is true if the internal piston is shot. This is only a repair for leaks around the exposed shaft. If pictures will help, go here: http://board.moparts.org/ubbthreads/showflat.php?Cat=0&Board=QuestionAnswer&Number=1795224&fpart=1&; PHPSESSID=629c855ad55e2c55e5fa343ef8c82f3c Then open the "attachment" in my post (this is in the upper bar) for a picture. Another tip from a convertible top guy. He recommends jack oil instead of the ATF. A little thicker and won't leak as easily. Makes the top a little slow in cold weather. I don't put my top down much in February. Tom Faust -- [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] [AD removed for archives] ------------------------------------------------------------------- The Patented Natural Weight Loss Product Is Now Available Miracleburn® is the only product with Hoodia & Advantra-Z Get a Free 7-Day Sample plus a Free Promotional Gift Card caadCUVbOyW3Nf/Urban Nutrition ------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- Please address private mail -- mail of interest to only one person -- directly to that person. I.e., send parts/car transactions and negotiations as well as other personal messages only to the intended recipient, not to the Clubhouse public address. This practice will protect your privacy, reduce the total volume of mail and fine tune the content signal to Mopar topic. Thanks! '62 to '65 Mopar Clubhouse Discussion Guidelines: http://www.1962to1965mopar.ornocar.org/mletiq.html. bOyW3N.
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