There is a guide to pulling the hubs on the website with a good photo of the correct puller. / Butch
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----- Reply message ----- From: "Dave64" <lt7dave@xxxxxxxxx> Date: Fri, Jul 22, 2011 7:00 am Subject: I also have a vibration... To: "1962to1965mopars@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <1962to1965mopars@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
I recommend you get the proper puller for tapered axles. Trying to use something different likely won't work and will possibly damage your drums (been there, done that). With the proper puller, it's a snap (and a loud pop!). You should be able to find a new one for less than $175. I bought mine from (which I don't need anymore), and it was cheaper than that. It was worth it to have the right tool, though.
Dave '64 Belvedere 2DHT 318 Poly, Push Button Auto Originally Florida A/C Car
----- Original Message ----- From: Scott Hinojos <lightsplicer@xxxxxxxxx> To: 1962to1965mopars@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Cc: Sent: Thursday, July 21, 2011 9:26 PM Subject: I also have a vibration...
My car also develops a noise/vibration at speed. Here's what I know: The vibration is definitely coming from the rear; I think from the left rear, specifically. The vibration doesn't really get any worse with speed, but it changes pitch, and **it goes away if I turn hard enough to the right, and doesn't seem to get worse if I turn left**. I've changed the wheels and tires, not because of the vibration, but it didn't make any difference. (I didn't expect it to, either.)
The guy I bought the car from said that noise/vibration was from the differential, and that it was typical. He seemed to know what he was talking about, as he owned several old Mopars. My opinion is that it's a wheel bearing. Are the 8 3/4" rears typically noisy? Does it indicate a problem?
Also, does anyone have an opinion on how to remove the rear drums on a C-body? I'm having a hard time finding a tool that will work for a reasonable price (not $175+). Even used, the pullers I've been looking at are going for $80. I've got a big 8", 3-jaw puller, but I haven't figured out how to get it to work on this project. If only I had access to a machine shop, I'd just make a ring to fit over the lugs...
Thanks in advance! -- ~S~ '64 Chrysler 300, AKA: "Leon", 383, 727, 8 3/4 '62 Mercury Comet Custom wagon... a work-in-progress for too many years.
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