Good arguments to have in your brain pocket when some dude gives you grief for driving your "old, CO2 belching" Mopar. :-P Also use: "Scrappage programs are environmentally reckless--According to the Hamburg Environmental Institute, the manufacture of one new automobile creates 25.9 tons of non-recyclable waste. This is what will be produced as new vehicles eventually are manufactured to replace those removed from the road." Gary H. -----Original Message----- takes 113 million BTUs of energy to make a Toyota >Prius. Because there are about 113,000 BTUs of energy in a gallon of >gasoline, the Prius has consumed the equivalent of 1,000 gallons of >gasoline before it reaches the showroom. Think of it as a carbon debt -- >one you won't pay off until the Prius has turned over 46,000 miles or >so. " ---- Please address private mail -- mail of interest to only one person -- directly to that person. I.e., send parts/car transactions and negotiations as well as other personal messages only to the intended recipient, not to the Clubhouse public address. This practice will protect your privacy, reduce the total volume of mail and fine tune the content signal to Mopar topic. Thanks! '62 to '65 Mopar Clubhouse Discussion Guidelines:
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