hi all, over the weekend I disassembled my 742 chuck. the spider gears in the sure grip were trashed. i got the replacement spider gear kit and clutch kit online.i noticed the clutch kit came in a 10 pc kit (5 each side i assumed), 3 clutches and 2 friction plates(?)(per side).
when i broke open my suregrip i noticed i only had the 3 clutches and "1" friction plate on each side. One friction plate was missing from each side. Could this have come that way? or was it the victim of an incorrect re-assembly in its past life?
Should I only replace per the amount I found in it? Or should I put in the 5 and 5 each side? any thoughts?or ultimately is the one missing friction plate on each side what helped create the looser condition to trash the gears to begin with?
any thoughts? Derrick Brown '63 Sport Fury, 4 speed derrickb@xxxxxxx