Thanks to all for previous answers. As I peel the layers of my recently acquired 63 Polara 500 onion (I like onions), I find interesting things and questions. 1. It's a push-button auto. There's a pedal on the floor way up underneath by the dimmer switch. It has a small round pad. You might think it's the e-brake release, but it's not. What is it? Any tips on how to use it? 2. It's a very original 79,000 mile car. In the trunk is a gray cardboard liner along the fender walls and underneath the typical gray vinyl mat. I'd never seen this before, but it certainly appears purposely form fitting and original. I'm guessing it's typically long trashed by moisture and what-not and discarded. Any insight or history on this? 3. In an engine this old with no rebuild, what's the best gas to use? I've put in Premium. Should I be using lead additives to help the valve seats, or something like that? 4. Rear end seems a little saggy. Is there a way to check the correct height? I saw previous emails about this. Can the springs be re-bent or should they be replaced after a certain number of miles or years? As always, thanks. - Jim Jim Altemose, Long Island, NY '63 Polara 500 (Max Wedge) '63 Polara 500 (383) '65 Belvedere I (Street Wedge) '71 Bronco