[59plymouth] front fenders to be available
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[59plymouth] front fenders to be available
- From: eddee@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Date: Sun, 20 Jan 2008 13:46:57 +0000 (GMT)
Hello Group
Before I go the ebay route,,,I wanted to see if anyone would be interested in a set (or individual) front fenders for our 59s
They should be available in about one month, I estimate early March.
They have been 'repaired' over the headlights and can be used as is,,,but the repair work was a bit amature.
From 10 feet back they look perfect.
As is they would be great for a driver, as they are solid with no rust.
I am located on Long Island.
PRICE---pretty reasonable especially if picked up. I think I can arrange shipping if necessary
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