We're looking at a really strong Hershey Meet - we'll all be convening there in exactly one month!
Including the 52 registrations I've received through today, I've tallied 97 members and their guests joining us there - expecting to bring 31 Letter Cars, 9 other '71 and older classic Mopars, and 5 other modern Mopars of interest - so far!
I emphasize 'so far' because I'm still expecting a minimum of 18 more registration forms from members who have reserved rooms at our Springhill Suites Hotel, but from whom I haven't yet received your registration forms. This count is based on my receiving our Host Hotel's updated room registrations roster today. I'm betting we'll be adding to our Letter Car count that will be noted on these incoming forms.
With our promised 31 Letter Cars, we're looking to have most years covered, but are still missing 300-B, 300-E and 300-J model years, along with a Hurst 300. We're really hoping we will be seeing every Letter Car year represented!
For this Meet, we reserved a block of 60 rooms. Today represented our cutoff date for members booking their reservations at the Springhill Suites - and we've booked 62 rooms! I spoke with our hotel's contact today, and she graciously extended our 300 Club favorable room reservations rate from today until Wednesday, April 19th. However, the bad news is that the hotel is fully booked for Thursday evening, May 18th. As of this afternoon, it had a couple available rooms for the other nights of our Meet. If you're still looking to book a room there, I suggest calling the number on our registration form - (717) 583-2222 - immediately tomorrow (4/18) morning!
Our stated deadline for me to receive your registration form and check is May 6, but it will sure be great if I can receive your mailing within the next week. With this strong attendance of probably 125-135 members and guests, our gracious host, Hank Hallowell, would like a few extra days to work out all the logistics of our upcoming party!
We welcome all your Letter Cars and classic Mopars, no matter their condition, to display for all of us to see. They're welcome to drive in under their own power, or ride in on a trailer. If you've changed your mind and now want to bring a Letter Car that you didn't previously list, we welcome it - please email me your update. They're just as interesting for us to see if they're exhibiting some tin-worm rust attack, or some bumps and bruises and primer blotches, or just pulled out of the barn, or only partially restored, as they are looking near-showroom new. Please bring them!
As we approach our May 6 Meet registration form cutoff date, I'll be sharing a list of the names of all attendees with all of you registered to attend.
If you have any last minute questions, please feel free to reach out to Hank Hallowell or to me.
Noel HastalisCell: (630) 747-7990
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