Gloria Moon writes:
With this virus messing up our plans, you might be wondering what is going on with elections of the officers and directors. The way it is supposed to work, every two years the officers run for election. At the spring meet business meeting, candidates are nominated and accept or decline the nomination. Nominations of any club member may be made if they are not in attendance and are aware of the nomination and have accepted. If nominations are brought to the floor for more candidates than the current slate, then we publish ballots which are included in the next club publication. Your completed ballots are mailed to the Secretary and the new slate of officers is announced at next business meeting.
The election of directors follows the same idea but is every three years and they are elected at the fall meet.
Last year, we should have had elections for the officers and the directors. When the virus hit, we lost our opportunity and the easiest thing was to extend terms another 12 months.
This year we are better prepared and on the assumption we don't have the spring meet, in lieu of our normal business meeting where nominations are made and voting occurs, we are doing it by mail. Look for more information on this in our next printed club publications.