On Wednesday, September 30, 2020, 9:06 PM, Matt Allyn allynentertainment@xxxxxxxxx [Chrysler300] <Chrysler300-noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Here is you answer on where to send it :)Matt AllynOn Wednesday, September 30, 2020, 05:34:40 PM PDT, Jslayton@xxxxxxxxxx [Chrysler300] <chrysler300-noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:I am restoring a 60 Desoto with the RCA record player in it------has anyone out there had one of these worked on ?---and where ?---this car is #1 of the ram Desoto's-----was used in all of the publicity stuff and has almost all options on it----we want this player to work------THANKS----Johnnie Slayton
Posted by: Val Jeffers <edward1108@xxxxxxxxx>
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- [Chrysler300] record player
- From: Jslayton@xxxxxxxxxx [Chrysler300]
- Re: [Chrysler300] record player
- From: Matt Allyn allynentertainment@xxxxxxxxx [Chrysler300]
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