Were it me,I would buy a TurtleWax headlight lens cleaning kit for around $12 or so, There are 2 kinds: The 2 in 1 which does not require mechanical sanding, and the more expensive Lens Restoration Kit, The lens restoration kit has color coded very fine pads included . You still need to be very careful with it. We had a headlight polishing operation at our church and polished a lot of plastic headlights and this is what I would. I did all the pwer sanding but I donlt suggest that as it is to easy to ruin your dome,Mike Moore300Hsanding padOn Sep 26, 2020, at 6:52 PM, Loren Nelson lorenhelenn@xxxxxxxxx [Chrysler300] <Chrysler300-noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:What is the best way to restore the clear plastic dome that covers the gages on the F, G and H?Mine is not too bad but has some minor scratches and spots. I washed it with Dawn dish soap but would like to make it look new. Is there a product that would fill minor scratches? Would a hi grit wet sand work? Who has restored their's and how did you do it?Thanks,Loren Nelson in N. GA
Posted by: Loren Nelson <lorenhelenn@xxxxxxxxx>
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