You see the 300G article in Hemmings ? It describes a 727 in a G . These people write totally wrong stuff so definitively as if experts .. drives me crazy . Then misinformation spreads . Not sure if same article — but just read about the 62 300 that was the fastest stock car at the 62 Nhra summer event . Run by Ray Brock / Hot Rod Magazine.Back when HRM did more than write pretty articles . He lost final to a 421 (?) Pontiac because asleep on start line , but he turned a faster time, in 12’s , an amazing feat in a full size 413 Chrysler . As in faster than all the max built 425 hp 409’s in light chevies you hear so much about in 62. But the guy writes paragraphs about Chrysler’s “new 3 speed stick “ ( A terrible transmission, new in 61) attributes the HRM 62 performance to that. In fact it was the first 727 . An automatic . Talk about tangling things up . In 300 club we should have a whole section on that HRM car . Our claim to real fame The impact it had in the summer of 62 was unreal. I was beside myself when it toasted the 409 and 421 . ( forget fords) ( yeah was street racing a mopar bit against 50 of those guys)
There is an issue of 62 HRM that summer with about 6 pages of tech stuff on that car . Another real irritation is Marlin Davis (? Davies sp) of Hot Rod . Their tech expert . Fully half of his articles are full of errors and opinions . Yet editors know so little about cars they publish it . I remember one where he was all tangled in his undies describing the exhaust gas flow in a 671 truck supercharger— “ that we use instead for drag racing “ . He clearly does not even know how a Diesel engine works ( 671 is to compress air for sweeping / charging cylinders on a diesel , has nothing to do with exhaust — nothing!) Similarly Car Talk ;— a long talk about vacuum modulator valve controlling transmission shifts on a Mercedes Diesel . First , Diesel has no vacuum , not even a throttle valve in intake ) power is controlled by injectors / pump . Not trying to be a jerk about this , but these guys must know (?) they do not know ? Fine to say I do not know , how I learn . Anyway , enough ! Be cynical when a self proclaimed expert tells you stuff , is my takeaway at 77 ! Used to be all impressed , have learned better .. John Sent from my iPhone not by choice
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