I have a 1961300G that was delivered in Nov. 1960. I recently ordered spark plug wires from Lectric Limited, Inc. Their web site said that previous to early 1961 plug wires were not date coded and because my car was delivered in 1960 it would not have had date coded wires. I ordered wires without date code and the wires that I got were labeled RADIO GM
and some distance away TVRS. This made me wonder if they had sent me GM wires. When I called Lectric I was assured that my car had been shipped with the RADIO GM wires and that PACKARD wires came after the date code was added..
I had contacted Bob Jasinski about wire length when they sent me a #8 wire that was way too short. His wires were and labeled PACKARD RADIO TVRS LR and the date code. I bought my car in 1977 and the plug wires that were on it were old and labeled PACKARD 440 USA without a date code. I thought at the time they may have been the original wires and looked for a date code to confirm it. Lectric says there were no date codes when my car was shipped so they may have been original. Most of them were still on the car when it was last on the road five and a half years ago. Although Lectric assured me that the RADIO GM wires were original on my car, I'm not so sure and am asking you, experts, to tell me.
Thank You.
Loren Nelson in warm N. Georgia