[Chrysler300] 300 factory air blower motor
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[Chrysler300] 300 factory air blower motor
- From: "ALLAN POZDOL apozdol@xxxxxxxxxxx [Chrysler300]" <Chrysler300-noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Mon, 23 Mar 2020 10:29:40 -0500 (CDT)
Greeting all factory air 300 owners! May I ask if anyone has gone down the blower motor replacement avenue? I dismantled my interior yesterday getting the 950 heater plenum out of my 300 K to service the squealing blower motor. Seats,console out.
I find that the air conditioned cars show a different blower motor that the regular heater cars. Motor # 1879 579 shows up for Chrysler and also Dodge/Plymouth AC cars in 1964. This number is also good back to 1961 for AC cars. I checked the MOPAR cross reference chart and find nothing regarding the AC motors.
I have searched for this number online and find nothing. I did find a reference come up on a Hemmings page referring to a report from November 2011 giving a cross reference and substitution list for all MOPAR blower motors. The data is no longer showing on the web page.
Can I ask if anyone has a Hemmings subscription and would kindly search this article out? The Hemmings web page is:
Click on the link and you will go here:
I'd like to get a new replacement sooner rather than much later as with my getting my old motor rebuilt. Not sure anyone would replace the bushings, and I don't know the condition of the armature shaft. I don't want to do this again!
If that is my only option, well all righty then!
Allan Pozdol
Posted by: ALLAN POZDOL <apozdol@xxxxxxxxxxx>
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