My car has not run in many years, so I’m diving into my car’s brake and fuel systems, I pulled the fuel tank, going to have that checked over. The master cylinder is out, I still need to remove the booster.
Wondering what is the best way to go for a fuel sender and brake master cylinder replacement/rebuild and brake booster rebuild. Later on, I will be rebuilding the rest of the brake system. I’m looking for advice, in part, because I’m wary of the quality of new parts these days.
I’ve seen the prices vary quite a bit for the new fuel senders. Mine may be relatively old because it has a cork float on it. Is 90-10 ohms the correct resistance? Is rebuilding the way to go for these? Is there a preferred vendor for new ones?
There seems to be no new master cylinders available. I know White Post Restorations does master cylinder relining and booster rebuilds. Booster Dewey also rebuilds boosters.
I appreciate any and all help.
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