Tried that. The size is not common. Couldn't even find it in the Fastenal catalog. I was hoping someone had bought a 50' roll and had some left.Ron
From: Ray Jones [mailto:1970hurst@xxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Saturday, August 24, 2019 10:39 AM
To: Ron Waters
Cc: Listsaver 300 Club
Subject: Re: [Chrysler300] 1955-6 Power Window ConduitHi Ron;Check at your local old time Hardware store or Ag./Farm store. They often have hoses like that by the foot.Ray
On Sat, Aug 24, 2019 at 8:03 AM 'Ron Waters' ronbo97@xxxxxxxxxxx [Chrysler300] <Chrysler300-noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hey Everyone -On 1955-6 cars with power windows, there is a rubber/neoprene conduit that runs from the door to the A-post that is used to protect the power window wires. The conduit has an outside diameter of 1 1/8" and and inside diameter of 7/8". When removed, it has a length of about 15". Does anyone have a spare, uncracked one of these ? Or has anyone purchased bulk neoprene tubing of this size (I've seen it for sale in 50 foot rolls) and could spare some ?Thanks,Ron
Ray Jones. Y'all come on down an see us. Ya hear?
Ray Jones. Y'all come on down an see us. Ya hear?
Posted by: "Ron Waters" <ronbo97@xxxxxxxxxxx>
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