Henry, I couldn't agree with you more. I have been collecting and restoring old cars since 1986. When it comes to determining value, I have always said, "A car is only worth whatever a buyer is willing to offer and a seller is willing to accept". Every car I have now, as well as every car I have ever owned has always been in good to very good "driver" condition. That is the way I like it. I drive my cars. That is my choice. I also like stock, original cars. Not modified in any way. OK, I lied. I do have radial tires on them. My 1966 Chrysler 300 convertible looks like a 5 year old used car. I've never taken her to any National show or meet, but I do frequent many of the local shows in my area. I've never won any trophy. Seems the folks who judge at these events like chromed engines, roll and pleat interiors, wild and out of control paint jobs and digital dashboards. They don't seem to appreciate a car that looks no different then when it left the factory. No big deal. I just turn the key and drive her home. And not have it pushed on to the back of a trailer.
We all own our cars for different reasons. Some to recreate a memory. Some to help finance our impending retirement. Some just for the pure enjoyment of it. My great Uncle Sol was a bit of a rebel in his day. He owned a 1958 D coupe in white. Bought it brand new in 1958. Then, he traded that in and bought a 1962 H in 1962. He was a Pharmacist who had a bit of a wild side. I can recall the 1962 but I was just a little kid when he had the 1958. He died in 2005 and was fully aware of my cars and interest in the 300's in particular. Shortly before he passed, we were talking about the original Chrysler 300's. He said that when he bought his, he never had any thoughts or idea that these cars would become highly sought after, and mostly un-affordable collector items. That was never the intention when he purchased them. Uncle Sol was always a Chrysler guy and when it came time to trade in his 1953 Windsor sedan, the dealer said, "take a look at what I've got over here!" He took the white coupe for a test drive and bought it on the spot. Aunt Martha was furious!! Not because of the sheer power but because it only had two doors!
Anyway, if you don't think the advertised car is worth the asking price, or even worth bidding on, then don't buy it. It's one thing if someone is perpetuating a scam. I appreciate the club's knowledge and expertise in pointing that out. But to highlight an incorrect battery, or some other "flaw" as a reason to pass on a particular car seems a bit extreme.
And that is just my two cents.
-----Original Message-----
From: 'Henry Schleimer' henry.schleimer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [Chrysler300] <Chrysler300-noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: 'David Schwandt' <finsruskw@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; 'John Lyons' <john@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; chrysler300 <chrysler300@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Sun, Aug 11, 2019 5:35 am
Subject: RE: [Chrysler300] 300g convertible on eBay
I didn’t see anywhere in the ad that this claimed to be a concourse car... I have seen 300G convertibles advertised for $190k.. Surely this is a matter of negotiation between the seller and potential buyer.I have spent many years and $ restoring my car - but only to a level I am satisfied with. I intend to drive it – not put it in a museum. I am never going to put my car into concourse judging or any car show for that matter. I know what is “wrong” with it better than some stranger walking up to it for the first time and certainly better than someone looking at a few photos over the internet.If someone walked up to my car and said it didn’t have the correct battery in it, ignoring all the work it took to save it from a rusting wreck, they would be leaving with my boot print on their pants.My two cents worth.HenryFrom: Chrysler300@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:Chrysler300@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of 'David Schwandt' finsruskw@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [Chrysler300]
Sent: Saturday, 10 August 2019 1:05 AM
To: 'John Lyons'; chrysler300@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: RE: [Chrysler300] 300g convertible on eBayOne would think for 100K it would at least have the correct battery, cables and alternator.
And what’s up with the b lack data tag and VIN plate screwed on w/phillips head screws??
From: Chrysler300@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:Chrysler300@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of John Lyons john@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx [Chrysler300]
Sent: Friday, August 09, 2019 8:47 AM
To: chrysler300@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Chrysler300] 300g convertible on eBay
Here is the link:
Looks like serious rust repair particularly in the passenger side rocker. Seeing the data play was clearing rotting. Usually last area to rust and I’ve seen a few on unrestored cars. Lots of rust always present.
The forward look logo with the word ‘deluxe’ on the heater core is interesting.
Tough call. My opinion, he asking between restorable and high retail and the car is honestly one not too well restored (or I’d have to see a lot more images with better resolution to think otherwise).
Probably $65k as it sits. Twice that to correct and properly restore the car.
Inspect before buying!!!!
John Lyons
Sent from my iPhone 9x plus on the Nynex network.
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--Ray Jones. Y'all come on down an see us. Ya hear?
Posted by: Ray Jones <1970hurst@xxxxxxxxx>
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