Pinion gear set. (2 gears) NOS in unopened original boxes
Fits all 55-56 6 and 8 cyl except Imperial
Also fits all 57-58-59 6 cyl.
Check your parts books to be certain.
$25 PPD in USA
Dave Schwandt
Narrowing the focus might not be a good idea. I far too late one day realized
I had done just that at a swap meet. There have been times in the past when
attending swap meets I have noticed something that was at a very reasonable
$$ for what it was. I have on a few occasions plunked down $$ to buy something
that I knew I wanted to re-sell to earn more $$ for my restoration efforts on a 300.
I had spied a complete forced air induction system that came off a Mr. Norm's
modified and sold as new Dodge 340. On the open market that had a serious price tag.
The swap meet I was at, it was just a pile of parts on the floor. The asking $$ was very
very affordable. But NO!, I was chasing 300 stuff and walked on by.
As I recall, I didn't find anything at that particular swap to add to the pile of parts
in the garage for the 300. BUT had I sprung for the Mr. Norms 'pile of parts' I sure
could have thought about raising the bar on my search tactics.
Holmgren 2 57 300-C's in Indy Hoosier Corps #L6 CPUs run on smoke. I
know this because when the smoke comes out, it stops working.