This is a very good example of the sort of question that may get lost if/when we change out from our Yahoo Groups format. The query may just be obscure enough that no one has asked (and no one has answered) it before. With the current Yahoo format every club member sees the question you need an answer to, and if we think we may be able to help in any way, we will chime in. But if we convert to a format that pigeon-holes everything by year and/or topic, you might ask your dash paint question, and the chance of anyone just happening to see it under the heading of "1962 300H", with a sub-heading of "Interior" is going to be next to nil. No one's going to be exploring there just to kill time. And because no one ever asked your same question before, you won't find an existing answer there either. So how are you going to get the dash color information you need?
I agree that the free-for-all style that we have now can really load your Inbox sometimes, and you just have to delete or ignore a lot of it. But the sharing of accurate and indispensable information with such rapidity has been the characteristic I have found to be so very helpful. Whatever happens to our forum, I hope we can still have a large exposure of questions and conversation regarding these obscure cars of ours with all their unusual quirks. Otherwise I fear we will have lost a certain camaraderie we have all found very helpful and interesting.
Keith Boonstra