Hello All -- I need to replace the age-shrunken convertible top on my late father's 1957 Chrysler 300C, nearing the end of a three-year restoration process. Gil Cunningham shows the code for the top is "222" = ivory. My father replaced the top in 1973, and the inside ("headliner", as it might seem) is black canvas. I was a bit surprised, thinking that a light buckskin tan would have gone better with the leather seats and the color of the exposed bow inside the top - probably would also visually brighten and "open up" the feeling inside the car. However, the well-reputed upholstery shop in El Paso, TX reports that not a single major manufacturer makes the white top with a tan interior; black is the only interior color available. I seem to recall that the correct exterior material is called "pinpoint vinyl", while the interior material is a tight-weave canvas; can anyone confirm that for me? Can anyone help with authentication of what the correct original INSIDE color should have been for the white exterior top on my Gauguin body? Secondly, does anyone have good relatively recent (within ten years) experience with such a manufacturer of a convertible top for the 300C, regardless of color? The shop I am using prefers Robbins. I have loaned out and can't immediately access my Gary Goers catalog, or that would have been the first place I would have looked. Can anyone confirm/deny that Gary makes a top for the 300C? Any comments will be much appreciated! Ray Melton Las Cruces, NM 1957 Chrysler 300C convertible white/Gauguin S/N 3N572517 ------------------------------------ Posted by: Ray Melton <rfmelton@xxxxxxx> ------------------------------------ To send a message to this group, send an email to: Chrysler300@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to bob@xxxxxxxxxxxxx or go to https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/all/manage/edit For list server instructions, go to http://www.chrysler300club.com/yahoolist/inst.htm For archives go to http://www.forwardlook.net/300-archive/search.htm#querylang ------------------------------------ Yahoo Groups Links <*> To visit your group on the web, go to: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Chrysler300/ <*> Your email settings: Individual Email | Traditional <*> To change settings online go to: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Chrysler300/join (Yahoo! ID required) <*> To change settings via email: Chrysler300-digest@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Chrysler300-fullfeatured@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <*> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: Chrysler300-unsubscribe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <*> Your use of Yahoo Groups is subject to: https://info.yahoo.com/legal/us/yahoo/utos/terms/
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