Ray, At FCA (as it is now known), our transmission design group doesn't recommend synthetic trans fluid in older units because testing showed seal wear. With the ATF+5 fluids used in the last version Chrysler transmissions, several seals had to be changed to Viton to hold up to the high detergency fluid. My recommendation is, use Type F, mineral base, and call it a day. Synthetic is great for transmissions where the seal materials have been upgraded and the higher temps require it. John Begian -------------------------------------------- On Mon, 5/16/16, Ray Melton rfmelton@xxxxxxx [Chrysler300] <Chrysler300-noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: Subject: [Chrysler300] Your Car's Tranny Fluids - Synthetic Type F? To: "kboonstra@xxxxxxxxxxxx" <kboonstra@xxxxxxxxxxxx>, "chrysler300@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <chrysler300@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Date: Monday, May 16, 2016, 3:35 PM Hello Keith - We are ready to install the rebuilt cast-iron Torqueflite in my late father's 1957 Chrysler 300C. I have purchased (but not yet added) some Valvoline Premium Type F fluid (standard petroleum base). Although my usage will actually be very gentle and not require a high-performance fluid, I would definitely consider a synthetic fluid IF I could be pretty sure of two things: First, unless specifically modified, early versions of synthetic fluids (engine oil, transmission fluids, etc.,) often did not contain adequate seal-swelling agents, so they tended to leak, often prodigiously. Question: Do you or any of your acquaintances have personal experience with any brand of synthetic Type F fluid, and have their results been leak-free for at least a year? Second: Both Royal Purple and Redline offer their synthetic Type F fluids "For Racing Purposes Only" -- RP even says it is NOT for standard automatic transmissions. Redline makes a similar admonition, just not quite so specific, so I am loathe to use either of those well-respected names in an application they advise against. Redline says their fluid has NO friction modifiers in it, whereas I thought "Type F" implied a certain "package" of friction modifiers, so I don't know what to make of their statements. The Redline advisors say they have no advice to offer regarding my proposed use, and hence would not recommend their product without specific experience. However, ALL the synthetic manufacturers talk about greatly improved wear characteristics, extended service life, etc. I see that ATI (makers of some extreme high-performance transmissions and torque converters, etc.) offers a full-synthetic Type F fluid (available through Summit, JEGS, Amazon, etc.) They say it is for "Racing, street rod and high-performance applications". Their tech rep could only say that they developed the fluid for Joe Gibbs Racing, and they've had excellent results in dragsters and Funny Cars, with no reports of undue leakage or other performance or compatibility issues. I would like to give that stuff a try, especially if anyone in the Club has favorable experience with it. Or alternatively, I would like to hear any reports of unfavorable experience with ANY of the full-synthetic Type F fluids. It's not prohibitively expensive, either, at $98 + shipping for 12 quarts from Amazon. If I don't hear any adverse comments, I may just go ahead and be the first "guinea pig"! Ray MeltonLas Cruces, NM1957 300C convertible (almost ready to roll, again!) To: finsruskw@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx CC: agmoon@xxxxxxxxx; chrysler300@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx From: Chrysler300-noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Date: Sun, 15 May 2016 14:06:59 -0400 Subject: Re: [Chrysler300] You Cars Tranny Fluids A few years ago there was a pretty lengthy thread on our forum about which ATFs were both suitable and available for our Torqueflites. The original ATF in the cast iron Torqueflite was Type A, but that is no longer being made and offered on the market. I has been conclusively agreed that Type F works very well as a substitute for Type A, and furthermore that most other ATFs, like Dexron and Mercon, will induce disappointing (and sometimes strange) performance characteristics. ATF is the fluid with the very most critical specifications of any in your car. Getting it wrong can mess up the transmission functions, and even wear it out prematurely. So yes, Go with only Type F in your Torqueflite. And your question about synthetic vs. petroleum base? You're probably not going to stress your ATF by racing or pulling a trailer anymore, but it is true that synthetic is superior to petroleum-based in many performance characteristics, and inferior in none. So you'll probably be fine using standard Type F, and you'd be finer yet using Redline or Royal Purple synthetic Type F. Keith Boonstra On Sun, May 15, 2016 at 12:16 PM, 'David Schwandt' finsruskw@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [Chrysler300] <Chrysler300-noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: I have no trouble finding type F at WalMart So, why mix them at all? While I had the drivetrain out a couple years ago, I changed the oil in the trans and the T/C and went with type F Noticed better shifting right away. From: Chrysler300@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:Chrysler300@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of 'Allan' agmoon@xxxxxxxxx [Chrysler300] Sent: Sunday, May 15, 2016 11:12 AM To: 300 Club Listserver Subject: [Chrysler300] You Cars Tranny Fluids Hi all, Don't know if this thread has already been done or not don't see anything so... If these answers are there we apologize, please send us the archived location(s). Thanks. 1. Is it correct that type F and Dextron are pretty much the same tranny fluid except the Type F has a slightly higher friction coefficient? There is no problem with mixing them? 2. We can use any of todays tranny fluids that replace dextron and or Mercon where either was called for in the original owners manual.? We happen to have an F with cast iron torqueflite. 3. But what about synthetics vs. Dino tranny fluids? Should one use 100% synthetics? Can you mix them with Dino. oil too? 4. Also today's tranny fluids, for example Valvoline Dex/Merc lists use in certain Fords, GM and foreign cars but doesn't list Chrysler as a use for it but they mean the newer Chryslers right? Have a few old quarts of leftover type F from somewhere and will use them over time to keep topping off the F's tranny if I can use them for this. Thanks in advance for any responses. We appreciate your time and thoughts. 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