When I moved back to PA from SC, my wife drove my 69 Dart GT convertible up I-95. The first leg went fine, but after stopping for gas, the Dart wouldn’t run well. It stumbled almost to the point of stalling. We stopped at a rest stop, opened up the moving van, and found her bag of clothes pins. I put a bunch of clothes pins onto the fuel line, between the filter and the carb. They absorbed some heat, and it ran flawlessly for the rest of the trip. Mark From: Chrysler300@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:Chrysler300@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Tony Rinaldi awrdoc@xxxxxxxxx [Chrysler300] Carl is correct when blocking there should be at least a small hole to warm the carbs. These carbs are outboard and do not get the heat from the engine that is necessary to help gasoline mist to merge with air. Too much heat boils the ethanol in what they now call gasoline. Tony From: "'C Bilter' cbilter@xxxxxxxxx [Chrysler300]" <Chrysler300-noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> In my experience a bad accelerator pump will impact both cold and hot performance. There could still be a problem there, but I think Tony might have the right diagnosis with suspecting some degree of vapor lock. On the heat pipes, we had some discussion at Macungie (John Grady, Jean-Yves, Lynn, Jamie et. al.) and the consensus seems to be that with the headers the heat pipes should be blocked but drill a small hole in each block off plate to allow a little heat to help while the engine is cold. When hot, plenty of heat should induct up to the carbs anyway. Having unblocked heat pipes might be adding to the problem perhaps, but Iâ•˙m not sure. Carl Bilter Sent: Friday, August 07, 2015 8:49 AM Subject: RE: [Chrysler300] Road trip UPDATE final Tanks Charles for the feed backÂ∑ __._,_.___
Posted by: "Mark Souders" <mrs954@xxxxxxx> To send a message to this group, send an email to: Chrysler300@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to bob@xxxxxxxxxxxxx or go to https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/all/manage/edit For list server instructions, go to http://www.chrysler300club.com/yahoolist/inst.htm For archives go to http://www.forwardlook.net/300-archive/search.htm#querylang __,_._,___
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