Dear awesome Chrysler people, I respectfully submit that this brand of dust-up is purely optional in a Bulletin Board-style forum. One simply chooses which threads to follow from a handy
website (like , and then is included in comments on each via email. It is there to use at one’s disposal, ordered and sorted. I appreciate having the chance to participate, in any case, and am thankful that this forum exists.
I am also glad that it is raining today in Fort Wayne, washing the salt from the streets, so that I can start the season with my K and my ’66 NY 4-dr. Hardtop.
V-8, anyone? Thanks-
Hugh Baldus From: Chrysler300@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:Chrysler300@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
On Behalf Of 'Fern Rivard' crc@xxxxxxxxxxxx [Chrysler300] Me thinks that a bug got into Mr Barber’s computer which is causing multi emails going out. So goodness sake, give him a chance to get it fixed rather than come up with all sorts of platitudes and accusations. Fern From: 'Thomas Miller'
tfm@xxxxxxxxxxxx [Chrysler300] Sent: Wednesday, March 25, 2015 10:36 PM To:
Chrysler300@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ; Ron Waters
Subject: Re: [Chrysler300] Multiple Emails
My, It's getting cranky in 300 land tonight.... TFM >>> "'Ron Waters'
ronbo97@xxxxxxxxxxx [Chrysler300]" <Chrysler300-noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 3/25/2015 11:51 PM >>> Hey Tom - I guess your style is to insult people that don't share your view of the way things should be. This wouldn't be the first time.
>That's rather presumptive of you to think that just any 'ol computer problem can be fixed in just a few minutes.
Why don't you misquote me while you're at it. >Ever wonder why you get spam or fishing emails addressed to everyone in your address book or perhaps the address book of someone you may converse with? Wow, Tom. This has never happened to me. And I've been using Windows for years now. Am I missing something ? Or maybe I'm astute enough to recognize spam or social engineering
when I see it. Ron ----- Original Message -----
From: Thomas Miller
Chrysler300@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ; Ron Waters
Sent: Wednesday, March 25, 2015 11:16 PM Subject: Re: [Chrysler300] Multiple Emails <**STILL** a tongue in cheek reply> Wow Ron! That's rather presumptive of you to think that just any 'ol computer problem can be fixed in just a few minutes.
Are you sure that you're a Chrysler guy? You've been using the Chevy Vega of mail clients for better than 15 years.... :-) But, if you're happy with Microsoft Outhouse, I'm happy
for you. It's a *free* mail client. But, just like the Windows operating system that it's thrown in with, it is riddled with security flaws that can and will expose your personal email and address book to some hacker that happens to exploit the next unpatched
flaw in either the application, the underlying "Windows Messaging System" or the operating system itself. Ever wonder why you get spam or fishing emails addressed to everyone in your address book or perhaps the address book of someone you may converse with? It's that Chevy Vega of
a mail client that you and they are using. But, rest assured, I'm not *telling* you what to do. I'm sharing with the group what I feel to be a personal area of expertise.
You know, it's all just a discussion. But, in my mind there's a vast difference between a suggestion and a strong recommendation. To me, a suggestion is just a wild hunch or stab
in the dark. I rarely make "suggestions" in a venue such as this one. However, I'll chime in with strong recommendations when I'm confident that said recommendations are valid due to my *firsthand* personal experiences around a topic. But that's just me.... Now, let's talk about 440 6-Barrel Plymouth 'Cudas or 392 Hemi Chrysler 300s. Another of my areas of expertise..... :-)
With Warm Regards, Tom >>> "'Ron Waters'
ronbo97@xxxxxxxxxxx [Chrysler300]" <Chrysler300-noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 3/25/2015 8:48 PM >>> For the record, I have used Outlook Express since the late 90s and have
never had a problem. Whatever Rich's problem is, I'm sure it can be solved
in a few minutes. I do have a problem with people 'telling' others what to do, rather than
'suggesting'. This goes for computers and cars alike. Ron ----- Original Message -----
From: Nancy Kramer
nekramer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [Chrysler300] To: Thomas Miller ; Rich Barber ; Shannon Sent: Wednesday, March 25, 2015 8:27 PM Subject: Re: [Chrysler300] FW: Multiple Emails Hi , I also have spent many years working with and supporting Windows computers. The first time this happened I sent him a link to the Thunderbird email
client. Obviously he didn't take the link and install Thunderbird. If I lived nearby I would happily pay him a visit and install it for him but
I do not. Sent from my Eudora email client. The best email client ever but no longer in development. Regards, Nancy Kramer. At 01:24 PM 3/25/2015, 'Thomas Miller'
tfm@xxxxxxxxxxxx [Chrysler300] wrote: <tongue in cheek reply> I've designed, sold, serviced and recommended microcomputer computer
hardware and software for over 30 years. The easiest way to get rid of your
Microsoft Outlook problem, is to stop using it. You see, the product should have actually been named "Microsoft Outhouse"
due to the fact that it just really *stinks* as a reliable e-mail client.... Best Regards, Tom 300C in Central Ohio >>> "Shannon
LabLoverDC@xxxxxxx [Chrysler300]" >>> <Chrysler300-noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 3/25/2015 11:29 AM >>> Don't give up on running around the house three times, but do it clockwise
this time. ;-). And we all know you're trying to help a fellow member, so don't worry, it
only takes a millisecond to hit the delete button. Good luck with the email
issue. Shannon 300F convertible On Mar 24, 2015, at 8:48 PM, 'Rich Barber'
c300@xxxxxxx [Chrysler300] < I must again apologize for the information overload. After this message,
you wonâ?Tt be hearing from me for a while until I get things fixed. Thanks
to Ron Waters for this link that explains several possible reasons for
multiple e-mails-"all of which are systemic rather than virus-induced. So,
Gâ?TDay for a while. I have some work to do. Iâ?Tll still be reading
messages received from the server and individuals. Rich Barber Brentwood, CA From: Ron Waters [mailto:ronbo97@xxxxxxxxxxx] Sent: Tuesday, March 24, 2015 9:15 AM To: Rich Barber Subject: Multiple Emails Rich - Your Outlook is having problems. You may want to look at this... Ron [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] __._,_.___
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