[Chrysler300] Help needed
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[Chrysler300] Help needed
- From: "Michael Van der veen michaelvanderveen8@xxxxxxxxx [Chrysler300]" <Chrysler300-noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Tue, 7 Oct 2014 22:29:17 +1100
Hi group,
I am trying to get a nice pair of fenders from an eBay seller who will only greyhound ship to the bus depo near my shipper in L.A. This is not suitable as I can not get my shipper to go to the bus depo to pick them up! Can anyone suggest a way to courier ship these fenders to L.A door to door? Better yet is there a club member anywhere near Wickenburg AZ who may help paid of course. Thanks guys and gals,
Mike in Australia
Posted by: Michael Van der veen <michaelvanderveen8@xxxxxxxxx>
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