I don't have any parts for you Brian but speaking of C-300's,
i just drove mine on the Copperstate 1000 in AZ two weeks ago. 100 old
cars running 1,000 miles over four days. I know others of you drive your 300's
longer distances but still no small feat for a 60 year old car. The 300
ran great every day, including two mountain climbs to over 8,000 feet
each. Smashed a few (thousand) bugs. Used three quarts of oil but at
her age she's old enough to smoke if she wants. It was a great bonding
experience, with a car I loved to begin with.
There was another 331 Fire Power Hemi in the pack that also
ran it perfectly, a 1952 Cunningham C-3 Coupe. Very nice car. Check
them out. An Italian bodied foreunner to the C-300.