For me, one of the few advantages of old
age is Eyes that smooth out wrinkles.
So, I see Glorious just this way when we
meet today!
Every bit as cute and lots of real fun to
be around.
I well remember Gloria who we met 35+
years ago.
I was the unit man at a VW Dealership
rebuilding all the engines and trannys.
We had a body shop out back and Allan came
to pickup his Forest Service Truck and spotted My 300 "L"
came in asking who owned it and we met.
Wasn't long before they both showed up on a Saturday @ my home and met Jo
She sent them down to the pier where I was
working on the boat and that's where I met Gloria.
Those 2 are way up on my favorite people
list if not on top.
Ray in Mena where it way 70°