Hello 300’ly to all! The Chrysler 300 Calendar sale at the Lake George Meet resulted in the entire first run of 50 being sold out within 36 hours of going on sale after the Friday am business meeting. Many folks have queried me about purchasing more or wanting to purchase them since they did not attend the meet. RJ can only order in minimum lots of 50. These have to be paid in full prior to shipping to him for sale. He does not make any money on the calendars. Those of you who purchased them appreciate the quality of the paper and binding employed in their printing. The photos speak for themselves. I purchased 8 myself. 3 for my office exam rooms (very politically correct calendar pin-up calendars of Beautiful ‘Brutes in an OB/Gyn exam room I like to think) and for gifts to family friends and club members who couldn’t attend the meet. SO HERE’S THE DEAL. The calendars are $20 each and I have learned that I can mail them anywhere in the lower US for $2.68 for a total of $22.68 each. It will be a little less than $2.68 each for shipping if you order more than one. Canadian and other International addresses will be at the mercy of the postal service. I will personally handle the ordering, collecting funds and packaging and shipping to you. RJ sets up the next printing schedule and pays for the order of 50 prior to shipping to you. We will only do this when we have a total order of 50 or an exact multiple there of (e.g. 100). So if only 44 of you commit then the order will not go through. If 66 commit then the first 50 to respond get theirs and the next 16 will have to communicate with the calendar angels to come up with 34 more orders. We are approaching the busiest season of the year. It takes a week to print and ship the calendars and I’ll be packaging and shipping at home, between office visits and deliveries and surgical procedures at the hospital (Oh, and converting to the Electronic Medical Record at the same time....after a Mopsy drive this am I’m back to setting up 42 more templates before going live on Monday....yeah, Trick or Treat!). Therefore, the window of opportunity for ordering these calendars will be from NOW until NOVEMBER 20th! (22 days). Please e-mail me with your name and how many calendars you wish to purchase at robkern@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx I will consider the e-mail correspondence as a firm commitment to purchase the calendar(s) you requested. I will notify you when to pay in US funds via personal check or money order made out to ROB KERN and mailed to me at 3108 NE Heritage Drive, Lawton, OK 73507-3427 when they arrive at my home. I promise you will receive them well in advance of Christmas. As you are well aware, the calendar project is time sensitive and has a limited shelf-life and is a project RJ and I took on to bring warm feelings throughout the year to fellow Club members and Chrysler 300 enthusiasts! The race is on! Get your orders to me now. I will post a running tally weekly (as long as I can survive the EMR). Rob Kern [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] ------------------------------------ To send a message to this group, send an email to: Chrysler300@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to bob@xxxxxxxxxxxxx or go to http://autos.groups.yahoo.com/group/Chrysler300/join and select the "Leave Group" button For list server instructions, go to http://www.chrysler300club.com/yahoolist/inst.htm For archives go to http://www.forwardlook.net/300-archive/search.htm#querylangYahoo! Groups Links <*> To visit your group on the web, go to: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Chrysler300/ <*> Your email settings: Individual Email | Traditional <*> To change settings online go to: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Chrysler300/join (Yahoo! ID required) <*> To change settings via email: Chrysler300-digest@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Chrysler300-fullfeatured@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <*> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: Chrysler300-unsubscribe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <*> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to: http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/
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