Wayne, My C coupe has the speaker on the left and ''fake'' grille for the defogger on the right. On a related matter, a question has been raised about whether the '57-'59 defogger had a two-speed or a single-speed blower. I find no definitive answer in either the '57 Service Manual or the owner manual. The former seems to show a wiring diagram for everything except the defogger, probably omitting that one as it was so simple. And the descriptions in both manuals lack any reference to two blower speeds. This, plus the simple on-off switch, of original vintage appearance, in my car lead me to conclude for the moment that the blower was single speed. Do you have any wiring diagrams that show the defogger system, and thus reveal whether there were two wires running from the switch back to the unit, vs. just one? Or any discussions of the controls that say definitively whether there was one blower speed or two? Thanks and regards, Park Waldrop Atlanta