Are there many members on the list or in the club interested in getting their dash pads recovered?? The process involves taking a fiberglass mold or cap from the dash, building on that with foam and covering with the correct black vinyl.So what you will receive is a cap to fit over your dash shell. I have seen the quality of the work this company has done on '57 Plymouth dash caps, it is top notch and it looks like the price will be very competitive as well ! My dash is being fiberglassed at the moment, so this will give those interested, an idea of the finished product. Right, now for the catch, I and the dash company are in New Zealand, so there will be ship costs, but I still think the total cost and quality will be competitive or better than the US alternatives. If there's any interest let me know, and I'll work on getting firm prices. Owen [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]