If you're asking about the one I posted, that's an F 14" wheel and tire.On Fri, Jan 24, 2025, 11:19 AM Bob Jasinski <rpjasin@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:Clarification please. Is that Blue Streak on an F wheel (14”) or a G wheel (15”), and what is the width of the whitewall?
From: chrysler-300-club-international@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <chrysler-300-club-international@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> On Behalf Of Nick Taylor
Sent: Thursday, January 23, 2025 8:10 PM
To: John Lazenby <french_fryguy@xxxxxxxxx>
Cc: Brian and Kathy Frank <300gforce@xxxxxxxxx>; Carl Bilter <cbilter@xxxxxxxxx>; Bob Jasinski <rpjasin@xxxxxxxxxxx>; Jean-Yves Chouinard <jymopar@xxxxxxxxxxx>; chrysler-300-club-international@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Re[6]: {Chrysler 300} Tires for 300G
Steve's spare tire. Note the blue sidewall filler used with Captive Air tire insert but not standard on the 300F.
On Thu, Jan 23, 2025 at 2:09 PM John Lazenby <french_fryguy@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Here are my offerings on the subject: The 1955-56 used 2.75 and this is based from the exposed rim out to the blackwall portion.
Years ago when I purchased our '53 Imperial Custom Newport Wayne Graefen and I did research on the few factory photos of that example. We ended up with a much smaller whitewall that what several other photos of the era showed. I had DB make custom width to agree with the factory photos and those tires were on the car when I sold it last year.
One other point I'll offer is the original Blue Streak from our 300F ended up in the trunk of the 300F that Steve Albu purchased from Roland Funk some years ago. I don't need to give details of how my tire ended up there as it was long before I owned the car. You might have Steve do a measurement based off of that particular tire.
John Lazenby
On Thursday, January 23, 2025 at 01:19:16 PM PST, Carl Bilter <cbilter@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Brian,
I agree, John makes a good point about the width of ww "showing" when mounted on a rim vs. ww width unmounted.
I have no idea whether Gil's tire data refers to a mounted tire ww width vs. unmounted width. I had not given it a thought in the past, but perhaps that accounts for the "range" of ww width specified for 1957-1961. Obviously, not a relevant issue for 1962 and up as the narrow whitewall doesn't extend under the rim when mounted. I'm now guessing that the extra 3/16" is hidden under the rim on the wide ww.
Perhaps the 1955-56 data is specified for an unmounted tire. Our good friend John Lazenby is the expert on 1955-56, and perhaps he has some insight.
For 1957, I can provide some input. I have the original factory mounted spare tire in my 1957 New Yorker coupe (Goodyear 9.00x14) which is in excellent shape and has held air just fine for the 38 years the car has been in the family. The whitewall "showing" width is exactly 2&1/2 inches. Gil specifies 2&1/2" to 2&11/16" for 1957. The extra 3/16" may be hidden under the rim.
Brian, please let us know what you find on that G tire. My point was that the G whitewall was the widest of any letter car. The factory photos of the G support that assertion. I'll bet the G whitewall width "showing" is 3 inches.
As the 1963 consultant, I can also say with some certainty that the 1963 J ww width was exactly 1& 1/16". Same as 1962. Although, I recall someone (Doug Warrener??) with an original 1962 H bluestreak measured 1&1/8". Could just be measurement error? Also, just fyi, the 1963 Imperial ww width was also exactly 1&1/16" in a larger 8.20x15 Goodyear. That info came from a fella in the Imperial club with an original spare.
One also might notice that the 1964 ww width is missing from the chart. I believe we have confirmed that the 1964 ww width was 1 inch, I think that came from the late John Holst who had the original factory spare in his father's K (bought new). I think that James Douglas might also have an original K spare tire.
We also know for certain that the 1965 ww wdith was exactly 15/16" inches. That data came from the late Don Warnaar, who had the original spare tire in his L that he bought new. If anyone in our club was precise about details, it was Don.
In conclusion, I still think the tire data on the club web site is correct but we just need to validate or specify "mounted" tire ww width vs. "unmounted."
A HUGE amount of work has gone into developing and maintaining our club web site and we need to thank Bob, Nick and others for their yeoman's work in that endeavor.
Carl B.
------ Original Message ------
From "Brian and Kathy Frank" <300gforce@xxxxxxxxx>
To "Carl Bilter" <cbilter@xxxxxxxxx>
Cc "Bob Jasinski" <rpjasin@xxxxxxxxxxx>; "Nick Taylor" <nicksgaragesd@xxxxxxxxx>; "Jean-Yves Chouinard" <jymopar@xxxxxxxxxxx>; "chrysler-300-club-international@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <chrysler-300-club-international@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date 1/23/2025 8:29:57 AM
Subject Re: Re[4]: {Chrysler 300} Tires for 300G
John Cote makes a good point in his email regarding width of whitewall vs. width of whitewall "showing." Do you know whether Gil's numbers are one or the other, consistently?
As you mentioned, I've got an old Blue Streak tire that was in the trunk as the spare in my G convert when bought, which I believe to be the original spare tire for the car. The tire is shot but it's a nice conversation piece. I'll try to remember to measure the whitewall. It's mounted on the original rim so any measurement will be the width "showing".
On Wed, Jan 22, 2025 at 5:38 PM Carl Bilter <cbilter@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Bob,
Not intending to belabor the point, but the tire data on the club web site was actually sourced from the late Gil Cunningham, and so it is likely very accurrate as Gil was known for "molecularly" correct restorations I suspect Gil revised the data as new information became available over the years, sourced from members who had original factory bluestreak tires (typically an original spare tire). Regardless, we know that some minor variation in ww width existed on tires used by the factory on the G, it was a rather wide ww by 1960-61 standards (as by 1961 most ww were only 2.5" at the most, and in '62 the switch to narrow ww was made), and from my experience it isn't a big deal in concours judging unless the ww width is way off (such as narrow ww on a G) and even then it's a nit. It's really a personal preference by the owner.
------ Original Message ------
From "'Bob Jasinski' via Chrysler 300 Club International" <chrysler-300-club-international@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To "'Carl Bilter'" <cbilter@xxxxxxxxx>; "'Nick Taylor'" <nicksgaragesd@xxxxxxxxx>; "'Jean-Yves Chouinard'" <jymopar@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date 1/22/2025 2:13:47 PM
Subject RE: Re[2]: {Chrysler 300} Tires for 300G
I have the build records for my 300G from Gil Cuningham. Listed there is the whitewall width that the car came with. Mine states 2-15/16 to 3”, so I went with 2-3/4” from Diamond Back. Point being the widths shown on the website are not necessarily correct.
Bob J
From: chrysler-300-club-international@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <chrysler-300-club-international@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> On Behalf Of Carl Bilter
Sent: Wednesday, January 22, 2025 11:32 AM
To: Nick Taylor <nicksgaragesd@xxxxxxxxx>; Jean-Yves Chouinard <jymopar@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: chrysler-300-club-international@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re[2]: {Chrysler 300} Tires for 300G
Remember that the G actually had the widest whitewall of any letter car - same or even wider than 55/56, as the G whitewall ranged between 3" and 3&3/16" in width. See here: Chrysler 300 Letter Car Tires
So a 3&1/4" ww would be only 1/16" too wide. Personally, I prefer a 3" whitewall on the G. I'm running DiamondBack I tires in P235/75R15 on my G with a 3" ww and I am very pleased with them. Plus they stay as white as fresh fallen snow in Iowa I would consider Kontios in the future if the size and ww is appropriate for whatever car in the fleet needs tires. Whatever you do, avoid American Classic, unless you want whitewalls that look like month old snow that has been pissed on by the neighbor's dog.
Carl B.
------ Original Message ------
From "Nick Taylor" <nicksgaragesd@xxxxxxxxx>
To "Jean-Yves Chouinard" <jymopar@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc "Chrysler 300 Club International" <chrysler-300-club-international@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date 1/22/2025 12:16:20 PM
Subject Re: {Chrysler 300} Tires for 300G
A friend has been using them on his forward look car collection and it's happy with them. That whitewall is too wide but there aren't many choices.
On Wed, Jan 22, 2025, 8:19 AM Jean-Yves Chouinard <jymopar@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi all.
Just looking for feedback regarding these Kontio tires from Finland, good or bad.
Anybody tried them yet?
I'm considering buying a set for my 300G. Looks like 225/75 R15 with 3 inch WW would be a good size?
235/75 R15 have a 3 ¼ inch WW...too wide?
Thank you!
Jean-Yves Chouinard.
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