Wow, there are 14 pivot points in those things. Not including the pivots for the two screw jacks, the springs, or the slides. I decided to keep it far away from the sandblasting cabinet. Just to hard to keep glass bead out of all the pivot points. I did a hand held wire wheel job on some areas of surface
rust and then gave all those areas some rust converter. I will paint it tomorrow. One interesting then. On one of the screw jacks you can turn the screw and the pinion will spin. On the other one no way in hell. It works fine from the pinion in both directions
but not if you turn the screw jack (ring gear) it will not move. As far as I can tell they are the same pitch on the teeth. Odd. My question to this group is what grease would you recommend for the gears and what would you use on the screw jacks? Also, on the pivots. I have to say the old white grease was very tacky and I am sure placing a lot of drag on the unit making the motors work harder than they need to. Best, James. For archives go to --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Chrysler 300 Club International" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to chrysler-300-club-international+unsubscribe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. To view this discussion visit |