Hi Keith,
I just called Jim and also received his voicemail - left a message for him to call me also, and I mentioned your name. Jim’s a quick 1 1/2 hour drive from me - hope we both hear from him soon.
Back in March, Jim delivered a rebuilt carb to me that I handed to Kai Rentmeister, here from Germany, at our Greenville Meet. I usually see Jim at a couple Mopar shows over the summer, but passed on those this year since my F wasn’t on the road.
I know Jim’s considering retiring in about the next year, so I think you caught him timely. Not sure if he’s currently here in Illinois, or down at his wife’s place near Galveston.
Sent from my iPhone
> On Sep 15, 2022, at 6:51 PM, 'Keith Langendorfer' via Chrysler 300 Club International <chrysler-300-club-international@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi Folks
> I sent my Ram J/K 3505s AFB carbs to Jim a while ago for rebuilding and he called me to tell me they were all done about a month ago or so and he was figuring out shipping etc. I haven’t heard back from him and I’ve left several voice mail messages (he’s always been very responsive) and also sent him an email. I know he has a home in Rockford, IL and also spends time in Texas (maybe McAllen?) during the winter .
> I know we have members in the Chicagoland area but that’s not near Rockford. That said, does anyone know if he’s okay? It’s unlike him to be incommunicado so was wondering if anyone knew how he was? I certainly hope he’s okay.
> Keith
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