Attached are a pair of pictures from today when driving our ’62 300 Sport.
Here’s some history….
- Wife bought the car back in 1987
- We had JC Auto restore the Astrodome back in the 90’s
- I cracked the 413 block back in the early 2000’s (sitting in LA traffic, of course)
- We then let the car sit for 8 or so years
- Now its on the road & everything under the hood is new; but as a 383 versus a 413
- The Oil & Temp gauges are running on their HIGH side since we brought the car back to life
- I have new sending units feeding both gauges (yes they are new & aftermarket, but both cannot be sending high signals; right?)
I suspect the issue is the gauges themselves.
Maybe I pull them & send them to JC Auto.
Can the car still be used if I pull those two out?
When the temp is as pegged as it is…..
My laser temp sensor pointed at the radiator, its hoses, etc. reads between 180 & 190 degrees.
Any thoughts?
Matt Allyn

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