Another method of brake bleeding is to use a vacuum pump with a fluid receiver to PULL the brake fluid and air out through the individual bleeder valves. A one person job and no expensive equipment or high pressures.Chris the K MANIAC
-----Original Message-----
From: Dan Plotkin <dplotkin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: 'John W Sager' <cleanthegarageout2@xxxxxxxxx>; 'CAROLL RIPLEY' <ripinator@xxxxxxxxxxx>; 'John Grady' <jkg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; 'Mike Cortel' <toy72456@xxxxxxxxx>
Cc: 'Chrysler 300 Club International' <chrysler-300-club-international@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Tue, May 10, 2022 7:54 am
Subject: RE: {Chrysler 300} 300K Ram Brake Problems
Use an compressed air powered power bleeder. Remember that you should never over-stroke a master, easy to do while bleeding by foot, easy to blow the seal. Did the rebuilder give any warnings? Over-stroke a Treadle-Vac and its done. Did you bench bleed the masters before mounting? You can prove the master is good or bad by bleeding it & plugging it with the plastic plug they shipped it back with. If pedal sinks the master seal is blown. Otherwise I think you still have air in there.Danny PlotkinFrom: 'John W Sager' via Chrysler 300 Club International [mailto:chrysler-300-club-international@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Tuesday, May 10, 2022 10:21 AM
To: CAROLL RIPLEY <ripinator@xxxxxxxxxxx>; John Grady <jkg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; Mike Cortel <toy72456@xxxxxxxxx>
Cc: dplotkin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; chrysler-300-club-international@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: {Chrysler 300} 300K Ram Brake ProblemsRip, I bought one of these a few years ago and it's been one of my better investments. Just use a c-clamp to hold the top onto the master rather than their Mickey Mouse chain setup.JohnOn Tuesday, May 10, 2022, 08:45:25 AM EDT, 'Mike Cortel' via Chrysler 300 Club International <chrysler-300-club-international@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:Thanks, John, Yes I do agree that having a second person at the pedal isn't the best method. We have had a few words ourselves :)I believe I am going to look into a pressure bleeder as the first step. I have heard that the truck repair shops can be very familiar with this type of booster but Power Brake Exchange was a recommendation and at the time I was traveling to Pittsburgh for work.Mike CortelOn Tuesday, May 10, 2022, 07:52:58 AM EDT, John Grady <jkg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:Hi , it may sound crazy but having your wife in a tough position ( correctly using pedal ) can be part of it ! Been there , led to a , er, “heated discussion” . Long ago but still —-Have to really understand the goal .It is almost human nature to let up on the pedal a bit after doing what you say , after pushing smoothly down it can draw fluid or air back in —if timing of you at wheel cylinder drain valve and her at pedal is at all off.Don’t laugh , happened to me.In my case , add in silicone fluid a bear to bleed in the first place , if it gets agitated in the catch bottle or before you pour in you are done for .I also agree — lacking any leaks ,— if pedal goes slowly down your master is not good. However on J,K you essentially have two masters .They are a bear if booster not built right. Competence matters . I tried myself with a kit , failed to get it right , someone had been in before me and I put it back together same way replicating a mistake they made .The solution was discovering that these are common ( larger size vacuum can) on medium straight trucks . You can see them mounted on frame rail like gas tank .A truck repair place knows all about them , in my case it was an International dealer. Put it in snd it worked fine after third try . I always had misgivings about those , but trucks by the millions use them .Hope this helps ,JSent from my iPhoneOn May 10, 2022, at 5:03 AM, 'CAROLL RIPLEY' via Chrysler 300 Club International <chrysler-300-club-international@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:Mike:In my entire experience, whenever the brake pedal slowly goes to the floor - after bleeding, etc, - it has always been a bad master cylinder. I don't know how old your m/c is or if it's been rebuilt, but if you can try another master cylinder. that may lead you to a resolution.Also, the bleeding procedure you describe seems strange to me, but if the manual says to do it that way, then I guess that is OK. Generally, bleeding of the brake system always started with the farthest wheel cylinder (RR) and then the next farthest (LR. RF and finally LF). I do not understand why a 64 K should be different.All the best,RipOn Monday, May 9, 2022, 02:21:46 PM EDT, 'Mike Cortel' via Chrysler 300 Club International <chrysler-300-club-international@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:The bleeding was being done manually with my wife at the pedal and followed the order based on the service manual posted below. I did consider getting a Power Bleeder but again got frustrated and just parked the car. Any recommendations for a power bleeder? Thanks for the reply<1652120456795blob.jpg>Mike CortelOn Monday, May 9, 2022, 01:20:57 PM EDT, dplotkin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <dplotkin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:Mike-How are you bleeding? Manual with a friend on the pedal? Gravity? Power bleeder?You have two circuits and need to rule out which one is the problem. I believe air is the problem and you want to know if its in the master or slave circuit.Danny Plotkin-----Original Message-----
From: "'Mike Cortel' via Chrysler 300 Club International" <chrysler-300-club-international@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Monday, May 9, 2022 12:47pm
To: "chrysler-300-club-international@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <chrysler-300-club-international@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: {Chrysler 300} 300K Ram Brake ProblemsHi to allA little background. Approx 2 years ago I was having leakage at the master cylinder and the brakes felt weak. I figured it was time for a rebuild. I removed both the master cylinder, the remote brake booster, and the slave cylinder and took them to Power Brake Exchange in Pittsburgh for rebuilding. They did find a broken spring in the remote booster and were able to replace it as well as the additional seals and such. They provided a test report and it showed the booster providing 300 psi? (I can not find the paperwork at this time but I believe that was the number.) I got everything back home and got back together. I also replaced the front wheel cylinders, shoes, and front hoses. Also, replace the vacuum line from the intake to the booster with the correct type of hose. I followed the service manual for the bleeding order of the system more than once.Here is the problem. I have brakes when the car first starts up. But after a couple of stops, the brake pedal starts bottoming out and the brakes do not hold. I was so frustrated and fed up that I just put the car away.In the meantime, I have become a cancer patient and I would really like to get this fixed and possibly enjoy the car this spring/ summer while I can.I have considered taking the car to the local Chrysler dealer whose ownership is into Mopar Muscle as I am not sure how much I can still do.Any thoughts or suggestions are appreciated as well as any shops in Ohio that may be able to work on this.Thanks in advanceMike Cortel--
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