Hello Gary -
Given the interest in the profile of the original 1957 300C cam, do you think you could provide that cam itself )one at a time) to some major cam grinders like Elgin, Norris, Iskenderian, Comp Cams, Clay Smith, Edelbrock, Sig Erson, etc., and have them just measure the cam to get its full profile and put that profile into their database so future users can have the correct "original" custom ground on demand. Hopefully, each grinder could tell us the approximate current cost for such a cam to be made. We would not be asking to have such a cam pre-made and sitting in inventory, just waiting for a customer. I know that would take a while, but it sure would be great to have this "Rosetta Stone" cam's unique characteristics preserved for future needs instead of immediately disappearing into an engine.
In fact, Gary Nelson, I would be willing to immediately buy that cam from you and I will then incrementally send it to some of the custom cam grinders mentioned above to see if they would be willing to copy and preserve just the profile itself. I could then notify the Club of each grinder's response after I collect a few. What say you? My PayPal is ready!
BTW, Gary G, do I understand that you have a cam available that
is supposedly ground to the factory original 300C specs? Where
did that come from, and if I can buy the original 300C cam from
Gary N, would you be willing to share at least the sheet of cam
specs for your new cam: int/exhaust lift, timing, duration, lobe
separation, overlap, advance/retard offset if any, etc.? Then I
can compare that with the actual profile I get from Gary N's
original cam after sending to out to be profiled.
Ray Melton 300C cvt in New Mexico
--Gary, I have a new cam that I removed from a new 57 300 motor (never run) as I wanted a bigger cam, $100 + shipping.I also have set very good rocker shafts, solid lifters and springs, pistons, pins and rings for 392 motor, .020 over. If anybody in need Cheap!Gary NelsonFrom: Gary GettlemanSent: Sunday, May 08, 2022 11:10 AMTo: Henry SchleimerSubject: Re: {Chrysler 300} Need more fuel!Henry, et alThank you as well as all the others that have responded to my "Need More Fuel!" SOS that I sent out yesterday afternoon.Have to say I'm spot on when I refer to the 300 Brotherhood (Sisterhood included) as "All the Wonderful Folks in 300 Club Land."After reading each reply at least twice, I've come to the conclusion that the factory engineers even after 65 years had/have the Best Designed 392 Hemi for that Era.That said, I'm on the search for an NOS Cam (kinda like the holy grail), and plan B will have new cam ground to factory spec's.Will let you all know once we get the isky out and factory spec'd one in.Again, My Thanks to All for your Very Insightful Comments.Best Thoughts to All.gary gettlemansanta cruz, ca--On Sun, May 8, 2022, 9:27 AM Henry Schleimer <henry.schleimer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
--I agree that timing should be checked and note that you shouldn’t have any vacuum advance at idle (that will give you all sorts of grief). Your vacuum seems very low, for any engine. I’d also check for a vacuum leak.
When you say idle was bumped up, are you using the factory way of adjusting the air screws or are you opening the throttle? Might be best to start the tuning procedure from scratch again using the factory manual (for the 300C).
A few years back I rebuilt the 2 barrel stock carb on my wife’s Mustang to factory spec. But when cold there was a slight hesitation when taking off that even my wife noticed (grrrr). I double checked and found I had put the accelerator pump linkage in a wrong hole for that engine/model (no excuse - but there are 8 possible combinations!) After fixing that it was perfect. Believe me that the factory engineers did know what they were doing.
However, if you alter the cam, all bets are off. Might need a bigger shot as suggested before.
Good luck
From: chrysler-300-club-international@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:chrysler-300-club-international@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of William Huff
Sent: Sunday, 8 May 2022 1:15 PM
To: John R. Cote
Cc: gary.gettleman@xxxxxxxxx; garythepartsdoc@xxxxxxxxxxxx; rfmelton@xxxxxxx; chrysler-300-club-international@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: {Chrysler 300} Need more fuel!
Initial Ignition timing also has an effect on vacuum.
Bill Huff
On Sat, May 7, 2022 at 7:55 PM 'John R. Cote' via Chrysler 300 Club International <chrysler-300-club-international@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Just a question...........
Why change a cam from original to a problem? Am I missing something?
-----Original Message-----
From: Gary Gettleman <gary.gettleman@xxxxxxxxx>
To: Gary <garythepartsdoc@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: Ray Melton <rfmelton@xxxxxxx>; 300 Club <chrysler-300-club-international@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Sat, May 7, 2022 7:19 pm
Subject: Re: {Chrysler 300} Need more fuel!Gary,
The more information I get the more confused I become.
Leaning towards replacing the isky cam that hot heads recommend and going with Clay Smith cam that Rob Kern likes.
Have low vacuum between 6-8 lbs and that's after idle was bumped up.
Appreciate your help.
On Sat, May 7, 2022, 12:58 PM Gary <garythepartsdoc@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Gary G.
With a No. and letter drill set you can dill jet to any size you need.
From: Gary Gettleman
Sent: Saturday, May 07, 2022 12:25 PM
To: Ray Melton
Cc: 300 Club
Subject: Re: {Chrysler 300} Need more fuel!
Thank you for your way over my pay grade response.
Mechanic is very talented and has some very high $$$$ builds to his credit.
That said, his main business is high end Resto Mods.
Did a buddies '41 Cad coupe on Art Morrison frame with 2021 Cadillac Hot Engine and 8/10 ? speed tranny.
Very High end builds, yet he will work on old Detroit iron like our beloved 300's.
I like your suggestion re the service bulletin update and will start there and let you know how it goes.
Best Regards
gary gettleman
The once "Golden State" (but not so much any more) of California.
On Sat, May 7, 2022, 12:07 PM Ray Melton <rfmelton@xxxxxxx> wrote:
Hello Gary -
Sounds like it could be insufficient accelerator pump shot. Which jets is he suggesting to be changed, and to what size? How did your mechanic decide which jets to change and the new size - anything scientific or just WAG? How will you find those jets for such an obsolete carburetor? Even if jets for the later Carter AFB would fit, is the internal fuel/air flow circuitry the same as for the WCFB? Since the 300C was originally intended to run on only one carburetor at low RPM, you may have upset the A/F ratio right off idle when you converted to synchronous (non-progressive) carburetor function - going too lean because of the unintended extra airflow from the other carburetor. Have you incorporated the carburetor modifications recommended by Chrysler in Technical Bulletin #364 of July 16, 1957? That may/may not help, but it couldn't hurt. I had Jim McGowan do that mod when he restored my carburetors - excellent workmanship and results!
Depending on the elevation where you primarily operate, you might also want to consider different metering rods, too, although that will not affect your off-idle stumbling issue.
Ray Melton 300C in New Mexico
On 5/7/2022 12:31 PM, Gary Gettleman wrote:
To All the Great Folks in 300 Land.
Apparently the cam that we installed during the C engine rebuild is a bit lumpy as compared to the stock cam.
Have what I would call a momentary stutter when the right foot presses down.
We adjusted carb linkage so instead of running on 2 barrels it's now on 4, which has improved performance, but still get the occasional hiccup.
Mechanic said we need to swap out the jets for larger size and that will solve problem.
Figure someone else has had this problem and would appreciate your help with this issue.
Thanks to all.
gary gettleman
300 C Export
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