Hi Group and organizers,
Tried to place my reservation in the Marriott online 2 weeks ago: not possible
Tried to phone them: got stuck in their automatic call proceeding system and got lost after 15min (and spent some Euros for that)
Tried to mail Tom Cox: not possible (see here !!).
>>>> A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its recipients. This is a permanent error. The following address(es) failed:
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SMTP error from remote mail server after MAIL FROM:<info@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
553 5.3.0 alph760 DNSBL:RBL 521< >_is_blocked.For assistance forward this error to abuse_rbl@xxxxxxxxxxxxx >>>>
Obviously the Marriott didn’t want us – but sure will get lucky somewhere else…
Thanks for the info!
See you soon,
Kai (Germany)
Hi All,
The good news is the Marriott Hotel is fully booked with our reservation commitment so that means we are heading for a great time with lots of folks coming to the meet.
The bad news is that the Marriott is full. However, there is are 2 Hampton Inns close by to the Marriott that have rooms at a good price.
This morning, I tried the link from the Meet announcement and it said the rooms were full. Then, I tried the phone number and got a reservation at the Marriott, so you might want to try to phone before you give up.
Next, please try these places; good rates and close by!!
864-263-5555 Hampton Inn at the Greenville-Spartanburg Airport (about 4 miles from the Marriott)
864-213-8200 Hampton Inn at I-385 and Woodruff Road (great shopping with Cabela’s and other good stuff)
More info to come.
Tom Cox and Jim Benson
Fellow club members -
I have a spare 1962 300H non-A/C radiator if anyone needs one. I'm in the process of re-installing the original A/C system in my car and no longer need it . I was working just fine, no leaks, and comes with the often missing fan shroud.
I've uploaded a few pictures to the cloud:
including a photo of the newly-installed A/C radiator for context...onward!
I would be more than happy to help with shipping (recommend using a third-party logistics transporter like Fastenal, etc. for reasonable rates).
Feel free to contact me - mobile/text at 402-249-1549.
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