However, here a few issues that have arisen:
- the foam cushioning offered in the kit is flawed - a substantial amount material needed to be added in some places, and removed in other areas. Quirey acknowledged the flaws, promised they’d send me correct patterns, but have yet to do so after 2 or 3 “promises” to address this issue.
- cardboard seat backing that goes on the back of each front seat was not provided. When I asked for a pair they wanted another $40, then back-peddled and said they’d send them for free after I reminded them I spend &7k. Still nothing from them.
— the tan cloth piping for the door/body seals was not included
— sunvisor material not included.
— the black door panel carpet material is like a cheap, super short Afro-like fuzzy Velcro material, when the original as you know should be a thicker weaved black strand carpet material.
I can provide pictures or call me with questions.
Waiting for Quirey to rectify said issues but getting the Covid cold shoulder.
Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhoneOn Tuesday, April 28, 2020, 3:09 PM, nick@xxxxxxxx [Chrysler300] <Chrysler300-noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Has anyone gotten 300F seat covers from Quiery yet? I’m curious about the quality and some details.