I just called Gary and he seems to be doing OK. The med techs are still working on a prothesis and his stump is healing, but not completely. He is working on organizing the hardware he has collected over the years and will be offering it for sale at some point. Body & interior parts. He is still taking physical therapy and is able to get out and about.
Rich Barber
Brentwood, CA
From: Chrysler300@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx On Behalf Of Ray Melton rfmelton@xxxxxxx [Chrysler300]
Sent: Monday, July 8, 2019 1:08 PM
To: Steve . <saforwardlook@xxxxxxxxx>; Noel Hastalis <cpaviper@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: Chrysler300 <Chrysler300@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Chrysler300] George Laurie
In addition to the latest on George Laurie, can anyone also provide current info on Gary Goers after his major surgeries and setbacks? Just so he knows that we're wishing him well and still grateful for his decades of dedication to the 300 community and his perseverance in the face of escalating pain and debilitation.
Ray Melton
On 7/8/2019 1:55 PM, 'Steve .' saforwardlook@xxxxxxxxx [Chrysler300] wrote:
It has been more than 6 months since George Laurie's stroke. I have yet to hear an update on his condition for some time now. Does anyone have an update on his condition?
His talent in reproducing many of the pieces we need is amazing, and I sure am praying that he is actually improving a great deal. He even has a passion for formal full size Chrysler products.
Any news would be greatly appreciated!
Steve Albu
On Wed, Dec 19, 2018 at 7:44 PM Noel Hastalis cpaviper@xxxxxxxxxxx [Chrysler300] <Chrysler300-noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
It's certainly heartening to hear Bob Hayen's positive report on our friend Gary Goers' latest medical procedure!
While scanning thru Facebook's 'The Forward Look Mopar Network' group this evening, I came across a post about George Laurie, on whom many Mopar folks have depended for their repro taillight lenses. The post, with some corrective edits, reads -
Just a heads up for the community that my great mate George Laurie from qld (Queensland?) has had a bad stroke. Was found on his kitchen floor after 2 days laying there as he ___? by himself outa town. This was 4 weeks ago. He has been recovering well but has no use of his lhs (Left-hand side?) and his memory is coming back. I know some people have had some bad experiences with him, but a heap have had good dealings with him. But he is honest, just snowed under with orders for things that are unobtainable anywhere. My prayers are with him for a good recovery. There is a Facebook page 'friends of George Laurie' if anyone wants to send some good wishes … Take care old mate. (posted by Brett Powter)
Noel Hastalis
Posted by: "Steve ." <saforwardlook@xxxxxxxxx>
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