I’ve never heard of a single piece bumper requirement in California. I believe the California plant where the Chevs were built just did it differently than Detroit did it. Probably used different tooling and cost less to make.
Bob J
From: Chrysler300@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <Chrysler300@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> On Behalf Of dan300f dan300f@xxxxxxx [Chrysler300]
Sent: Monday, July 1, 2019 11:21 AM
To: Michael Reed <rmreed@xxxxxxxxx>; Bob Merritt <bob@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>; Chrysler 300 List <chrysler300@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Chrysler300] Beats me
My 300F was mfg'd in MI the end of June 1960 and picked up by the original owner. He lived in Temple City near Pasadena,CA.
I am the second owner. The front bumper is 3 piece. Was it considered a CA car or something else????
Sent from my Sprint Samsung Galaxy S7.
-------- Original message --------
From: "Michael Reed rmreed@xxxxxxxxx [Chrysler300]" <Chrysler300-noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: 6/27/19 7:45 AM (GMT-08:00)
To: Bob Merritt <bob@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Chrysler 300 List <chrysler300@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Chrysler300] Beats me
I'm all but 100% certain that cars sold in California had to have one-piece bumpers, at least in front, by state law. I had a '55 Chevy w/ a one-piece front bumper. Because all the '55s I had seen had three-piece bumpers, I tracked down the reason.
I thought growing old would take longer.....On Jun 27, 2019, "'Bob Merritt' bob@xxxxxxxxxxxxx [Chrysler300]" <Chrysler300-noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
The 1960 front bumper.
Were there two styles?
I checked the FSM and Hollander's interchange.
Both show the same three piece design -- center section
and right - left bumper wing extensions.
But I dimly remember there might have been a different style,
possibly a one piece.
Anybody know?
In the Letter Car days of 1955-1965, where did Chrysler
make its money?
I've heard that Imperial convertibles were losers
due to the work required for so few units, but
justified by the need to maintain an entry in that
market segment.
This leads me to wonder if Letter Cars
were money makers
or money losers for the corporation?
These questions keep me awake at night.
The answers?
Beats me.
Now that I think about it, maybe the best place
to find answers is the Minnesooooooota meet.
Another reason to make your plans to attend.
July 3 deadline is next Wednesday.
See you there.
Posted by: Brian and Kathy Frank <300gforce@xxxxxxxxx>
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