Terry It was an option, so it may not qualify for your question but in 1958 you could order a “Marauder” 430 CI engine with 3x2 carbs in a Mercury that was rated at 400hp. Interestingly, the intake was manufactured by Moon, which is conceptually similar to what Edelbrock did for Chrysler for the 69 1/2 Six Pack Super Bees and Roadrunners Keith On May 26, 2019, at 7:47 PM, Terry Mctaggart pennsy300@xxxxxxx [Chrysler300] <Chrysler300-noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Posted by: Keith Langendorfer <keith_a_lang@xxxxxxxxx> To send a message to this group, send an email to: Chrysler300@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to bob@xxxxxxxxxxxxx or go to https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/all/manage/edit For list server instructions, go to http://www.chrysler300club.com/yahoolist/inst.htm For archives go to http://www.forwardlook.net/300-archive/search.htm#querylang __,_._,___
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