[Chrysler300] Nancy Werner
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[Chrysler300] Nancy Werner

Dave Werner's wife, Nancy passed away Feb. 11, 2019, by drowning.
She will be buried Saturday Feb. 16. in Cherry Hill Cemetery, near her home in Mena, AR.
To save Dave having to explain to everybody how she died, here's what happened.
We had 2 " of rain in 14 hours or so and the runoff fills the creeks up. She was re-crossing a small bridge that she had crossed with no problem earlier, the water was much higher and we think she hydro-planed  and the van swerved into the creek. She got out and the raging creek carried her away.
Dave is not on our Club list server, I forward anything of interest to him. His email address is above, and his address is:
Dave Werner
164 Polk194
Mena, AR 71953

Ray Jones. Y'all come on down an see us. Ya hear?


Posted by: Ray Jones <1970hurst@xxxxxxxxx>

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