Your message came through clearly. I have never received any guideline violation messages and am deeply suspicious of any e-mail I receive from other than a known sender or site—and even careful with those as they can be spoofed. It is clear that there are highly-automated systems designed to troll, monitor and mine the communications stream. Nanny/Santa knows where we live, whether we’re naughty or nice, our interests, weaknesses and vulnerabilities. Be careful out there but have a Merry Christmas and a Happy 300’ly New Year.
Rich Barber
Brentwood CA (leaves still falling, trees budding out already—expecting 60F today)
From: Chrysler300@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <Chrysler300@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> On Behalf Of kboonstra@xxxxxxxxxxxx [Chrysler300]
Sent: Thursday, December 20, 2018 9:04 AM
To: Chrysler300@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Chrysler300] Yahoo Groups "Guidelines"
This is a test. I am getting messages to my Inbox stating that my messages to the group - and to the poster named Michael that "Guidline Violations" are not allowing my communications to go through to and from our forum.
Is this message going through to the 300 Group, and is anyone else having similar difficulties with Guideline Violations?
Thank you.
Keith Boonstra
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