Hi Tom There is an o ring where the filler pipe slides into the tank ;in a groove in the tank . usually in pretty good shape , but can get new one. Judgement call . Do not use o ring from cheap kit in red o ring box. ( China) Must be gas resistant . . Possibly grease the pipe after thorough cleaning ( front end grease ). How is the cork ? I recently replaced the cork with Ford style little brass tank gas float by using # 12 building wire solid, and solder , cut off arm wrap loop around brass tank groove. Clean arm end till shiny wrap wire around it and solder . I also soldered quickly to little tank . Cork can sink . Has to move in same arc thought center of float . Check sender with ohm meter , not the same ohms as common later (60 up) thermal gauges.( 10-90) Mine was 20 to 200 ohms . It was ok , but corroded connection . I also solder a ground wire to the gas exit pipe where it leaves flange and ground that to car sheet metal . Common problem with fuel gauge is poor connections here .
Sent from my iPhone On 5 Jan 2018, at 5:53 pm, Tom Chvapil tomchvapil@xxxxxxxxx [Chrysler300] <Chrysler300-noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
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