VIN is advertised and photographed as 3N55 2517. Club registry has that VIN as a Barrett-Jackson black car. A photo shows the engine S/N to be 3NE55 2517. Precisely identical VIN & Engine S/N numbers are highly unlikely with VIN typically less than engine S/N. VIN tag is painted over as per photo and has the appearance of being a reproduction as the originals had all raised numbers and letters, as is the one on this car—but in an entirely different format. Estimated VIN would be: 3N55 2460-2500. There are many Platinum C-300’s in our registry in that range. Missing our white C-300 and hoping it finds a new owner to give it a good home. VIN: 3N551198, engine 3NE551098. I said “typically”. Christmas Blessings, Rich & Ruthanne Barber Brentwood, CA (Far away from the fires) From: Chrysler300@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:Chrysler300@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Plotkin Associates plotkin_associates@xxxxxxxxxxx [Chrysler300] Sent: Wednesday, December 13, 2017 10:38 AM To: Yahoo Group, Chrysler 300 <Chrysler300@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Subject: [Chrysler300] Fwd: Bring a Trailer Daily Mail - 55 C-300 up for auction FYI - Just listed a 55 Chrysler C-300 on Bring a Trailer auction website under n"new auctions starting today - last car listed) ---------- Original Message ---------- From: Bring a Trailer <mail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> To: plotkin_associates@xxxxxxxxxxx Date: December 13, 2017 at 8:15 AM Subject: Bring a Trailer Daily Mail
![]() | Today on BaT: Wednesday, December 13, 2017
"Having been in continuous possession of at least one air cooled Porsche for many years and having owned one very high quality Speedster replica I will offer three words as explanation for what seems to many to be the exorbitant and irrational prices paid for these Speedsters. Romance. Passion. Mystique. I have tested the ownership waters through my time spent living with a replica. These cars draw universal attention, attracting people of all walks of life, age and gender. Like all air cooled…"
| | Sold for $325,000 | | | Sold for $20,000 | | | Sold for $66,000 | | | Sold for $11,250 | | | Sold for $28,755 | | | Sold for $5,900 | | | Sold for $12,250 | | | Sold for $168,500 | | | Sold for $17,500 | | | Sold for $8,950 | | | Sold for $14,000 | | | Sold for $26,000 | | | Sold for $135,000 | | | Sold for $18,790 | | | Sold for $15,750 | | | Sold for $15,000 | | | Bid to $4,000 | | | Bid to $33,333 | | | Bid to $46,000 | | | Bid to $10,000 | | | Bid to $23,500 | | | Bid to $8,800 | | | Bid to $6,000 | | | Bid to $54,500 |
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Posted by: "Rich Barber" <c300@xxxxxxx>
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