Lindsey & All: Below is an edited report from Gary as of 12/5/17: He is back home in Montana after returning from Michigan where he had procedures successfully done (last month) on his legs and feet to remove clots and restore circulation. As I understand it, these procedures are necessary before planned amputation. He asks me to discourage others from sending him any more orders. Hi Rich, I've been fighting a bad cold which came on strong the day I was released from Metro Health in Michigan. … am finally getting mobile and getting stuff done. The Metro docs were able to get through the plugged artery on the 13th, but then it closed up the next day. Not to be beaten, he went back to the right leg on the 16th which had been slated for the left leg. A couple more stents (5 total in the right leg) did the trick. Then they found time on the 17th to go after the left leg clot (the original clot) and were successful! Both legs now have decent blood flow to the feet and the ulcers are healing rapidly. Still a bunch of pain especially in the left thigh. Was very difficult to stand up, …and take care of business… Had a buyer who was super interested in the business, …. Catching up on some orders, but have to discourage more orders or I'll never be able to get the sale and past commitments done and over with. Little finger on right hand still dead making it hard to type. Gotta go, Gary Unselfishly, let us pray for continued progress on restoring Gary to good health. And for a good result for Gary and all of us regarding sale of his business and continuation of that important supply source for things 300’ly. An early Merry Christmas to the Goers and all other readers of this missive. God bless us every one. Rich Barber Brentwood CA (60F, sunny, light to moderate smoke in the sky from SoCal fires—heavy smoke from the politicians) -----Original Message----- Hi Rich. I know you are close friends with Gary. Have you heard how he is making out in Michigan? Sent from my iPad= __._,_.___
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