From: RICK AND DEBBIE CLAPHAM <rixpac@xxxxxxx>
Sent: Thursday, November 16, 2017 6:39 AM To: timothytomlinson; John Grady Cc: Larry Jett; Chrysler 300 List Subject: Re: [Chrysler300] Re: 440 Engines and Cross Rams Dual quads in the trunk. We used refer this action, as the third owner option. Most could barely afford to own these nice used cars, let alone to maintain them. The bad thing about this, is they drove the vehicles daily with all the parts in the trunk. causing damage to the components they removed and to the trunk floor and quarter panels.
These vehicles made great parts cars for people that appreciated these type cars. Some were restorable. Most were parted out for repair components.
During the gas crunch of the early 1970's it was a buyers market. for the letter series Chrysler 300's, as well as big block any brands, Hemi cars etc. I know of a nice Hemi powered 69 Daytona Charger that sold for $900.
I guess that is why we are in shock about what our cars are worth today. From: Chrysler300@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <Chrysler300@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> on behalf of John Grady jkg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [Chrysler300] <Chrysler300-noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Friday, November 10, 2017 8:49 AM To: timothytomlinson Cc: Larry Jett; Chrysler 300 List Subject: Re: [Chrysler300] Re: 440 Engines and Cross Rams This most likely was due to inability of most “mechanics” to set and tune ram carbs . Many if not most are so far out of whack when you get them the car barely runs . Carb is in trunk etc . A good running 375 hp 440 with properly operating rams , which means correctly assembled carbs, ( see Jamie’s post on that) should be fine ; many of our cars have that . Remember —many rams were pulled in early 60’s by dealers as they could not keep owners happy . Why dropped in62 in my opinion , came back with manual choke and real “race car” set up in J for those who “got it”. It is not a Toyota. Deal with it.
Stock 60-61 ram car bought by wealthy grandma and grandpa and tuned by a flathead mopar dealer guy really caused them grief in early 60’s. that issue of “the golden screwdriver” and lack of understanding still plagues rams . Even basic stuff like idle
air is by the air valve , not idle stop baffles some . And warm up from real real cold is dicey at best even when working right .. why the dash pot . And stalling when engaging drive , etc etc . J had special converter fixed a lot of that . J cam only 268
tells you a lot , much less than 392 had even . Or later 440 six pack etc
Re: no vacuum , air valves vs holding throttle open at idle by screw . Cannot be done “by ear” and the gold screwdriver .
Jog Sent from my iPhone
On 9 Nov 2017, at 16:59, timothytomlinson timothytomlinson@xxxxxxxxxxxx [Chrysler300] <Chrysler300-noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
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