Nexen is big Korean company - being used on some Original Equipment in US - particularly Ram 3500 dual rear wheel trucks. Supposed to be decent if not outstanding. Toyo is older company out of Japan - they make a good product and have been around in US market since 1970's including OE on a lot of Japanese cars. Other options in that size include B F Goodrich and Michelin
assuming you are going to have DiamondBack do your whitewalls.
Nexen will be cheapest of decent tires, Michelin most expensive.
Toyo probably a step up from Nexen. I have both Toyo Extensa AS
and Nexen AH5 in narrow whitewall mounted on stock 6 inch rims -
Also Cooper Trendsetter SE and Hankook H724. See chart - these are
whitewall as made - see also Michelin Defender (blackwall or white
letters?) Size, Brand, Model, Availability, Contry of Origin, Wheel,
Pressure, Circumference, Diameter, Section width, Tread Width,
Edward Mills Antique Tractors 1930-1960 Antique Cars 1960-1985 On 8/31/2017 2:11 PM, Val Jeffers
Spoke with James at Diamond Back this afternoon and he stated 235!75 R15 was the correct size for a G. He advised of brands: Nexin & Toyo. Never heard of either one. I suppose they are made by a major company? __._,_.___
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