I need a little experienced advice on servicing vacuum actuators as installed on ’60-’65 Chryslers. So far, I have the heater bypass actuator out and determined to have a leak across the diaphragm and the damper/main actuator and deflector actuator leaking around the OD of the grommets that seal the rods to the cans. The main and deflector actuators do not leak across the diaphragm. All three actuators still work but present constant vacuum leaks that I hope to correct. Questions:
BTW, the ’65 Service Manual has better pictures of and instructions for this heater-A/C unit and the ’65 Parts Catalog has better descriptions and nomenclature for each of the four actuators. The ’62, ’63, ’64 & ’65 Parts Catalogs all show the same part numbers for these four actuators. Back to the garage tomorrow to check out the fourth actuator. I’m learning more than I want to know about the plumbing, linkage and wiring behind the 1964 300K dashboard. Rich Barber Brentwood, CA __._,_.___
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