On Monday, March 6, 2017, 5:20 PM, 'Jack Boyle' jackcboyle@xxxxxxxxx [Chrysler300] <Chrysler300-noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I just finished installing a disc set up from AAJ on my C300. There were
some bumps along the way but it’s finally complete. Now I am having poor
braking performance. The symptoms are primarily weak braking with both feet
on the pedal – and no lock up, not even a chirp. It’s like I don’t even
have power brakes. The pedal is as hard as a rock and never even gets close
to the floor.
Roger at AAJ and my local old Mopar expert have offered some suggestions but
before I act on those I wanted to poll the group.
Here is what I have done to date:
1. New DOT 5.1 all around (glycol type with low moisture absorption)
2. Bench bled the MC per instructions
3. Found one line leak and fixed it (defective NEW! fitting)
4. Adjusted the rear drums as close as possible
5. Checked the booster vacuum line for obstructions
6. New stiff factory dia. Vacuum Hose with no leaks
7. Vacuum tests at 14 inches, 15 max. (damn cam)
8. Bled all wheel cyl. 3 times starting with the RR
9. Tried all ranges of the proportioning valve setting, including closed
off completely (best braking is with valve open ¾ turn)
Still a rock hard pedal and VERY marginal braking performance.
Any tips, questions, fixes, etc. welcome.
Thanks …Jack
Jack Boyle
(913) 544 4650
Enjoying the same C-300 since 1967
IMG_0623 small
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Posted by: Matt Allyn <allynentertainment@xxxxxxxxx>
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- Re: [Chrysler300] Problems with AAJ power disc brakes on a C300
- From: George McKovich george@xxxxxxxxxxxx [Chrysler300]
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- From: 'Jack Boyle' jackcboyle@xxxxxxxxx [Chrysler300]
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